AS-I 501: Creative Interdisciplinary Team Research- Principles and Practice

Fall 2020 - Graduate Elective Course

August 12, 2020

Download the Course Flyer

Course Description: This course will provide fluency with the foundational principles and processes that demonstrably enhance creative practice and problem-solving skills in interdisciplinary research teams. Students will learn to identify and develop new, useful and high-quality ideas and products while practicing these skills and working as a member of an interdisciplinary team. A strong focus on theoretical principles of group dynamics will provide the framework for participants to understand and experience best practices characteristic of highly productive collaborative research endeavors. Students with complementary interests will work in teams to design an interdisciplinary project with STEM and social/educational components and apply learned concepts.

COVID-19 Response: This course is planned as a hybrid course with the majority of coursework online and several in-person meetings. Faculty and students are expected to wear masks and practice social distancing at all times.

Team-Taught Course led by Professors: Paul Gondek, Fraser Fleming, Jen Katz-Buonincontro, and Dee Nicholas

This course is the first of two required courses as part of the ITOC (Interdisciplinary Team-Oriented Creativity) graduate minor. However, students may also enroll in the course as a general elective. Open to ALL graduate students regardless of discipline.

Contact: Dr. Paul Gondek at

More information about the Creative Interdisciplinary Research in Graduate Education (CIRGE) Program